Possible hosting security vulnerabilities

Published by apumac on

Every day an increasing number of sites appear on the Internet. For most owners, their sites are of great value, so the safety of their own projects is in the first place for them. But it turns out that the security of your resource depends not only on you, but also on the security of the hosting on which it is located. Therefore, we suggest you familiarize yourself with the list of the main hosting vulnerabilities.

Password Issues

When creating an account for hosting management, first of all, take care of a good password. If you have several domains, then the passwords from them should never coincide. Try not to make the password dates and names associated with your life, because the password selection should be as difficult as possible for hackers. The best way to set a password is to randomly generate it. Such a password will provide the best protection. And, of course, you should not store the password on information and digital media. In this situation, a piece of paper with a password lying near the computer will be much more practical and safer.

Phishing attacks

If you receive letters ostensibly from a hosting support service, and you are required to divulge your hosting account data, then you should be wary. Most likely, these are scammers, because the support service will never require you to provide your password. Also a very popular hacking technique is to create an exact copy of your site by a hacker. Then a link to this copy is sent to your mail, you go to what you think is your site and enter the password. Thus, the hacker gets full access to your account on the site. In order not to fall for such tricks, always check the email address from which you receive letters. And also check that the domain of the site on which you enter the data matches the real one.

Site content

The longer the site works, the more diverse files it accumulates. Over time, you will have heaps of unnecessary documents, databases, scripts and directories. Constantly get rid of old and unnecessary files in order to prevent hosting security vulnerabilities. Such data can contain a huge amount of information useful to a hacker. And if he gets access to the root directory of your site, then huge problems will arise.


Scripts are the parts of the code that make your site functional. They are very useful, but carry a great danger because of their device. If it happens that the script is outdated or has lost compatibility with your operating system, this could lead to vulnerabilities. Such vulnerabilities created by outdated scripts are a very popular reason for hacking both large and small sites. It is advisable to check as often as possible whether new versions of scripts have been released on the developers website, and to constantly update them.

Do not forget that much more can and should be done to protect the site from hackers. Managing your own website is a very responsible process. Your every carelessness or frivolous attitude to the security of the site can be a gift for a hacker. To prevent hacking, spend some time on the security of your project, and then it will always function properly.
It is very important to find a hosting provider that can provide you with high-level hosting. This will help to further secure your resource, since the hosting provider itself will ensure that its servers are as protected as possible from intrusions and hacking. If you choose virtual private servers from the company https://justvps.com/cheap-vps/ then you can get high-quality hosting at an attractive price. This will allow you to count on a high level of security.

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