How to restore the former passion in a sexual relationship?
It is not uncommon for two people who love each other to stop desiring each other sexually. During life together the romance of the first dates is lost and the daily routine not infrequently ruins the strongest unions. The problem of not wanting sex involves not only physiology but also psychology. What affects it and how to cope with it?
The cause of the problem
At the stage of acquaintance, you want your second half anywhere and always. But already during life together, observing each other “without bills”, you can become just roommates. Sex turns into the fulfillment of domestic duties, without passion or vivid orgasms. The easiest way out is to break up and start looking for a new partner. But isn’t it better for the two parties to make an effort and establish harmony in the relationship. Erectile dysfunction can also occur, but fortunately there are specialized medications that you can buy here
Bet on sexuality
It is worth trying to become an object of lust for his woman again. Keep in your masculinity, strength and confidence. Do not forget to look after yourself and do not turn into an unshaven and bad smelling man. In everyday life, do not be modest to signs of attention in the direction of his other half: hugs, kisses, gentle touches. Slap her a few times on the butt while she is passionately engaged in household chores.
Not quantity, but quality
You shouldn’t chase a large number of sex acts. Frequent sex is not always synonymous with pleasure and unforgettable orgasms. Let it be a few times a week, but with full commitment to the process, sensual caresses and tenderness. Plan sex as an important event, because the preparation for it is also incredibly exciting. And between the pre-arranged pleasures you can always add a few unplanned sexual pleasures.

Inexpensive alternatives to expensive brand-name drugs
It is noteworthy that the original means to enhance an erection, whether Viagra tablets or the same Levitra, with all their advantages, have a significant drawback – the exorbitant cost for the average consumer. That is why, mainly Indian pharmacists have developed Generic Viagra, and subsequently budget analogues of Cialis and Levitra. As a result, Generics for erection enhancement, which are not inferior in terms of effectiveness to the original medications, have appeared. The price of such analogues varies in a democratic range, which allows men with different income levels to remain sexually active for many years.
Drugs have a number of contraindications
Before using it, it is necessary to exclude diseases such as: anemia, arrhythmia, blood diseases, any kind of ulcers, retinitis, Peyronie’s disease and intolerance to some components of the drug. It is also contraindicated in penile injuries, six months after a heart attack or stroke. The drug is prohibited to combine with nitrates and nitric oxide donators. But in most cases, these drugs are completely safe for the human body. You can buy them at