How to Set Up Voicemail on the iPhone
If you’re a new iPhone owner, then you are probably wondering how to set up voicemail on your handset. There are a few different ways you can accomplish this feat, but the most efficient is likely to be the one that involves your carrier. As with any other setting up, you’ll need to enter your voicemail passcode in order to play back messages.
Voicemail is the best way to keep track of and read your phone’s incoming messages. This allows you to pause and skip messages, if desired, and even re-call your contacts when you’re out of range. You can also use Siri to listen to and answer voicemails, if your phone has this capability. Some carriers will even let you forward missed calls to your voicemail. In addition, you can use the Silence Unknown Callers feature to reduce spam calls.
When you first open the Phone app, you’ll see a Voicemail tab. The page will take you a few seconds to load, so be patient. Once the app is open, you should see a list of your recent voicemails. Tap on a few of the messages to view them in full. Each message includes your caller’s name, contact information, and a play button.
One of the coolest features of your carrier’s voicemail service is the ability to hear the messages through your speakerphone. This is particularly helpful for users who travel a lot. Alternatively, you can play the messages through your AirPods, though this may be a tad more difficult.
Another cool feature is the ability to record custom greetings. Your carrier’s default is usually the oh-so-obvious standard, but you can choose to have a custom greeting recorded for your voicemails. For example, if you’re the type who likes to send humorous emails, you can create a personalised, witty, or funny greeting to send to your hapless callers.
While you’re at it, you can also save a message to your camera roll. A great feature of voicemail is that it’s automatically accompanied by a corresponding transcript. What’s more, you can play your messages with the tap of a button, even if you’re on a train or plane!

Lastly, you can make a cool-looking speech-to-text message with a microphone, if you’re feeling adventurous. Just make sure you have the right microphone in hand.
Setting up Voicemail on your iPhone isn’t much harder than it sounds. It takes just a few seconds to get the job done. Thankfully, it’s not a complicated process, and it isn’t something you have to do every day. However, you’ll have to remember to check your voicemail for a while, as the messages can be deleted if you lose your mobile service.
Hopefully, these tips will help you make the most of your new iPhone. To do so, you’ll need to configure your phone to send you the most important messages. Check the voicemail app for instructions and a list of carriers that support your network. Alternatively, you can call your wireless provider and have them do it for you.