How to improve immunity
Immunity is an innate ability of the body to resist hostile external influences, especially viruses and bacteria, developed in the course of evolution. Without immunity man could not exist. Immunity is provided by various components. First of all, these are lymphocytes and leukocytes, as well as phagocytes, which absorb foreign microorganisms. In addition, an important role in immunity is played by the human skin and mucous membranes, which produce substances that kill germs. Immunity is not always constant – due to various reasons it can weaken, and then the body becomes an easy target for various diseases.
Signs of low immunity:
- The person gets sick often and slowly recovers;
- Rapid fatigue, constant weakness;
- Prolonged healing of wounds;
- Poor condition of the skin and mucous membranes, skin rashes;
- Various pains of unspecified nature.
Weak immunity affects practically every system of the body and can even lead to death if it is not strengthened purposefully. If you are thinking about coronavirus hiv medication, you should also think about your immunity.
Lack of immunity can be due to a variety of reasons:
- chronic stress;
- hereditary factors;
- vitamin and micronutrient deficiencies;
- older age;
- diseases that cause immune deficiencies;
- many other serious chronic diseases.
There are also situations in which the human body needs to mobilize all the body’s defenses, including immunity. In such cases, the immunity must be much higher than in normal situations.
People who need to boost immunity:
- pregnant and nursing mothers;
- people who are sick with various infectious diseases;
- athletes engaged in training;
- people who work in harsh conditions.
It is worth noting that if you start taking vitamins to maintain immunity, it will not always give the proper effect, especially if the lack of immunity is associated with other causes. The presence of essential vitamins in the body does not affect immunity directly. However, indirectly, as a means to support the body in optimal shape and improve metabolism, the use of vitamins is of great benefit.
How can I identify vitamin and micronutrient deficiencies?
As is known, in the cold season a person begins to have so-called moping. Fatigue, lack of sleep, melancholy are all signs of vitamin deficiency. Each of them has a specific area of influence in the human body. Vitamin deficiency can lead to feeling unwell, lethargy, inability to focus on something important, apathy, and a bad mood. So if you want to solve the problem, it’s time to look for where to buy vitamins.

Causes of vitamin deficiency can be different:
- Recent illnesses;
- Improper and unbalanced diet;
- Lack of sunshine;
- Pregnancy and lactation;
- Gastrointestinal disorders that prevent the effective absorption of vitamins from food.
Detecting vitamin deficiencies is not always easy. There may be various gastrointestinal, nervous and cardiovascular system disorders, deterioration of the hair, nails and skin. They are not always associated specifically with a lack of vitamins. So if you suspect that the cause of all the problems with your body is a lack of vitamins, it is best to clarify this diagnosis with your doctor. After all, under the guise of avitaminosis can hide more dangerous diseases.
The most common symptoms of vitamin deficiency:
- Hair loss. You should start taking vitamins PP, B2, B6;
- Rashes or skin that is too dry. Vitamins A, P, C should be taken for these symptoms;
- Bleeding gums. Vitamin P and C supplementation is necessary;
- Particular attention should be paid to nutrition in the case of vitamin deficiency. Namely, start watching what you eat.